Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Learning how to fly

Action-what does it mean to you? Is it the word you think of when you want to describe a thrilling movie? Is it the word you use to describe the events in a busy area? For me, today especially, action has one pivotal meaning

Sometimes, life is frustrating. It seems as if we are travelling down a tunnel with no light at the end or climbing a mountain that never seems to stop ascending. The work is piling up, the bills are piling up, the strained relationships are becoming more strained, and we're just looking for a break. Well, the truth of the matter is, we probably don't need a break. In fact, we're probably in this situation for a learning experience. You may think I'm crazy. You may think I'm a nut. I probably am a little of both, but I'm convinced that sometimes we are placed in these mountain climbing situations for a reason. Consider the lyrics to Lonestar's  Mountains:

Lucinda Jones, working at IHOP
Ten years worth of bacon, eggs and tears
She's waited on every creed and color
While waiting on this day to get here
Graveyard shifts, two bit tips
Making every quarter count
Was worth it all to see her son
In that cap and gown

There are times in life when you gotta crawl
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can't lean on no-one else
That's when you find yourself
I've been around and I've noticed that
Walking's easy when the road is flat
Them danged ole hiils'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains
So we could learn how to climb

Bobby, Bobby Dunn came back from the war
Lost his leg but they couldn't take his will
Hell bent to run in that local marathon
He trained through the endless pain and pills
It hurt so bad that sometimes he just had to cry
He didn't stop until he crossed that finish line

There are times in life when you gotta crawl
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can't lean on no-one else
That's when you find yourself
I've been around and I've noticed that
Walking's easy when the road is flat
Them danged ole hiils'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains
So we could learn how to climb

This world ain't fair
It can knock you on your butt
You can just lie there
Or you can get back up
You gotta get back up

There are times in life when you gotta crawl
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can't lean on no-one else
That's when you find yourself
I've been around and I've noticed that
Walking's easy when the road is flat
Them danged ol' hiils'll get you every time
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains
(The good Lord gave us mountains)
So we could learn how to climb
Yeah, oh

You see, life for Lucinda Jones and Bobby Dunn didn't have an easy road. In fact they had quite the mountains to climb, but they made the climb! So, how did they do it? Well, there's several key things to notice.

First, they had a goal in mind. So many times in life, people wander aimlessly with no set goals, nothing to strive for. In my opinion that makes for an empty life with no sense of accomplishment or pride. Furthermore, having no goals, leads to a sedentary lifestyle in which you never desire to keep improving. Improvement, in my humble opinion, should be a part of everyone's life. None of us were born perfect, but we can work towards a better self- a self that has more confidence, more will-power, more direction, and more peace.

Secondly, the Lucinda Joneses and the Bobby Dunns of this world were successful in their climb because they never gave up-even when times got tough. Have you ever heard the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!"? Well, I'd say that statement couldn't be more accurate. I started this blog off by talking about action. Here's where action ties into the equation. When we're faced with the mountains that arise in our life, we can do two things. We can look at it and decide not to make the climb or we can look at it and gear up for the ascent. Either way, we have taken action. What action will you take when faced with the mountains of life?

So, I do agree, the Good Lord did give us mountains so we could learn how to fly. Let me tell you, God is a great flight instructor if I do say so myself. At times, the task may seem impossible. At times we will just want to slide back down to the foot of the mountain and give up the climb. BUT, how will we ever learn to fly if we give up on the climb? I want to fly! Do you?

Tonight, the measure of a man can sometimes be found in his ability to face the mountains of life and learn to fly. Sure, it might not be easy. Sure, those hills will get us down. However, learning to fly, learning to take action and face life will make us better off in the end. Like Lucinda Jones, we might see our son in that cap and gown or like Bobby Dunn we may run that marathon. So, the choice is ours. I'm choosing to take action and learn to fly!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man! 

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