different. That's right I dare you to be different. It seems these days that people have lost their uniqueness. With the invention of social media, a towering wave of uniformity has come crashing down on society. If John does "x" then Joe must do "x" and if John and Joe do "x" then Jerry must do "x" too. You get the point. (Sorry if your name is John, Joe or Jerry! Haha!)
Really though sometimes I wander if people can think for themselves these days. Honestly though, at some point in time we have all been caught up in doing what other people are doing. BUT What's the fun in that? No one wants to see the same thing all of the time. So, today I dare you to be different in these five ways:
1.) Dare to be different in your accomplishments-We all have goals in life. We all have things we want to accomplish. Just think about what the world would be like if we all wished to accomplish the same thing. What if everyone's goal was to be a lawyer? Well, there would be no doctors or teachers or preachers. It takes all kind of people to make this beautiful world go around. Go out and do something different. Create a unique business. Establish a unique charity. Start a unique club. Spice things up a bit!
2.) Dare to be different in your pursuit of happiness- I firmly believe that happiness comes in all shapes and sizes...and all different ways. You see, the world says in order to be happy one must have monetary wealth, fancy things, big bank accounts. I dare you to find happiness in different locations. Find happiness in the company of those around you. Find happiness in your accomplishments. Find happiness in your faith.
3.) Speaking of faith...dare to be different in your faith- People go to many places in search of faith when faith can really only be found in one's own self. Finding your own individual faith is what sets you apart, makes you different from the rest. Find your faith, not in words on a page, but words from the page put into action. Find your faith not in the lyrics to a song, but in the lyrics put into action. Find your faith for yourself!
4.) Dare to be different in your dealings with other people- When I started my job, I always thought that I had to deal with people in the same way as my co-workers. Well, I quickly learned that their way of dealing with others was just not my way. The same is true in everyday society. Different people can effectively deal with others in different ways. Think of your own special talents. Are you a funny person? Make people laugh! Are you a gentle person? Be gentle! Are you someone who gives firm advice? Give firm advice. Be different.
And finally...
5.) Dare to be different in love- That's right! Love is one of the most unique feelings on the planet. It's really not something you can even describe. However, it is something that you can be different in. What do I mean, you ask? Well, everyone might say...give your wife flowers! Yes, flowers are good but...I say give her time! Everyone might say give your girlfriend jewelry. I say give her a golden heart! You see what I mean. Skip the movie date and lay on a blanket under the stars while you tell a crazy story. Skip the dinner date and make dinner together. Skip loving like the world and love like YOU!
Dare to be different!
Tonight, the measure of a man can sometimes be found in his ability to be different!
That, my friends is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!
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