Sunday, October 18, 2015

It's my strength for holding on

Some of us, by circumstances of life, may find ourselves separated from the ones we love. As unfortunate as that may be, there is one thing that remains constant through it all. That one constant thing is love. Love is the only part of a person that you can take with you wherever you go. I think George Strait's song says it bes:

"Carrying Your Love With Me"

Baby all I got is this beat up leather bag.
And everything I own don't fill up half.
But don't you worry 'bout the way I pack.
All I care about is getting back real soon.
A goodbye kiss is all I need from you.

I'm carrying your love with me.
West Virginia down to Tennessee.
I'll be movin' with the good Lord's speed.
Carrying your love with me.
It's my strength for holdin' on,
Every minute that I have to be gone.
I'll have everything I ever need.
Carrying your love with me.

On a lonely highway, stuck out in the rain.
Darlin' all I have to do is speak your name.
The clouds roll back and the waters part.
The sun starts shining in my heart for you.
You're right there in everything I do, 'cause...


This song shows that material possessions don't mean a lot. It shows that we can get by with only the necessities of life, as long as we have love. I know that I carry the love of many with me each day. I carry the love of my family, I carry the love of those who are no longer here on this earth with me and I carry the love of my best friend, the love of my life. She knows who she is! Sometimes life gets rough. Sometimes life seems to be like an ocean that separates us from loved ones for what seems like an eternity. Yet, just like this song, my strength for holding on during those times of troubled waters is the love of others that I carry with me each day. Everything gets just a little better when I realize the love that I carry with me. What about you? Do you carry love with you?

The clouds come - but they will roll back
The waters swell - but they will part
The sun does shine in my heart for you!

So, until me meet again, I'll carry your love with me because it is my strength for holding on every minute and every second that I have to be gone <3

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and ponder but never wonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. - How true is that statement? I would say that absence does make the heart grow fonder. Knowing what you did have and not being able to have it makes you want it even more. Absence makes you do something else too. Absence makes you ponder.

Ponder - to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply

You see, chances are, if you are experiencing the absence of someone you love, you probably spend many minutes, hours, and days pondering. What do you ponder? For me I:

  • Ponder about what I can do next when I am with that person - I have always been a person who tries to be a forward thinker. The minute absence kicks in, I start trying to think of things that can be done when the I am together with that person again. I do this for several reasons. First, I believe that what you think about often become reality. What reality could be any better than re-uniting with a person you love? Secondly, I try to think forward because everything in life can be improved upon. I want things to get better and better.
  • Ponder about what life would be life without certain people - I try to avoid sobering thoughts sometimes. Yet, it is so important to ask yourself: "What would my life be like without __________?" If you can't imagine your life without that person, then you should be willing to eliminate the absence.
  • Ponder the meaning of love - Absence makes the heart grow fonder. How does the heart grow fonder? The answer is simple. Hearts grow fonder when they're filled with love. So, what is the true meaning of love. The most simple and concise statement that can be used to clearly explain what love means is this: Love is a journey in which both people commit themselves to the good of each other every step of the way.
So, ponder this, have you experienced the commitment of a person who always looks out for your good? If so, you have found love. When you find love, do what it takes to keep it safe!

Though we may experience the absence of someone in a physical way, we must always remember that love remains despite physical absence and it is there every step of the journey. You never really are alone. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and ponder but should never make you wonder. I don't have to wonder. I know the love I have and my heart grows fonder for her every day.

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hands, minds, and hearts

Hands, minds, and hearts...what do these three have in common. Other than being parts of the body, these three things are all used to express love.

With your hands you might express love by:

  • Making things for people
  • Holding someone steady to keep them from falling
  • Pulling someone  to safety
  • Embracing in a handshake of brotherly love
  • Mending something that is broken for someone

With your mind you might express love by:

  • Thinking of words to say to someone sad or grieving
  • Creating ideas that will serve to help someone accomplish something more efficiently
  • Lending your expertise in a subject to someone who could benefit from it
  • Thinking of words of encouragement to express to someone
  • Thinking of how to find out what someone needs help with

With your heart you might express love by:

  • Welcoming a lonely friend into your home
  • Being friendly to a stranger or someone no one seems to be noticing
  • Giving up something you have plenty of to someone who may be lacking
  • Pouring your heart out in prayer for someone
  • Loving unconditionally, through the good times and bad

Today, I stopped and thought about how I tend to express my love quite openly. Love comes in many different forms. For example, there's brotherly love between friends, there's parental love between children and parents, and there's romantic love between a couple. And while these different types of love are shown in different ways, they all don't just happen without effort and putting yourself out there. Love doesn't go "poof" and appear. It must be expressed. I have often wondered why people have so much trouble expressing love. I have come to the conclusion, that people have trouble with expressing love because they don't realize that love is not complex. You can show love in so many ways. With our hands, minds, and hearts we can express love in the simplest of gestures. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all expressed more simple gestures of love? Be open with others and truly show them you care- that's love and chances are when you are openly expressing your love and care, an open expression of love and care will follow from the recipient.

I'm so very thankful that I and those around me are not afraid to express love. Love is the happiest of all expressions. I can honestly say, that I get to experience love from others every day and that makes me one happy man!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Love is more than a 7 point word

Those who know me, know that I like to play Scrabble sometimes. Double word scores, triple word scores - it's all fun. So, let's tie in Scrabble to something that shows up in our everyday life. Love, without any double letter, triple letter, double word, or triple word scores is worth 7 points in Scrabble. Compared to some words you might have managed to hash out in Scrabble before, the word love may seem kind of small. However, when you manage to capitalize on those doubles and triples, you may end up cashing in big time. The same is true in life. You must capitalize on love.

As a business major, I've been taught to learn to capitalize on investments much like you capitalize on words in Scrabble. Love is certainly an investment on which I enjoy capitalizing. You see, love has a lot to offer. Yet before we can capitalize on love, we have to learn what is (the structure of the investment), what it does (the purpose of the investment) and what it gives (the return on the investment).

Love is...

  • Giving away the last shrimp even though you know it would taste so delicious
  • Putting ear drops in someone's ear because it's not exactly the easiest task for someone else to do on their own
  • Buying someone's tickets because you want to show gratitude
  • Making friends with someone's dog because you want the dog to like you as much as you like the dog's owner
  • Listening to a guy ramble on about his hometown because you know it's special to him (even though it is a little boring)
  • Picking someone up at the airport, but dreading when you'll have to take them back

Love does...

  • not hog the last shrimp on the plate
  • buy things for others that you know they will love
  • show affection for someone both physically and emotionally
  • shares in a tear 
  • shares in a fear
  • plan for the future
  • encourage in the present
  • holds on to good memories of the past

Love gives...

  • Time for talking
  • An ear for listening
  • really, super cool, thoughtful cards
  • crazy but really cute pictures
  • all it can
You see love is so much more than just a little word. By knowing what love is, what love does, and what love gives, we can all understand that real love is true and it's all about me and you! Love takes two and it's an investment we all need to go and do!

That, my friends is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

There really is no place that far...

Distance is a sample word with big impact. Whether it's a long drive, a long flight or just a long walk, distance is something that we all don't particularly like to face each day. Distance is connected to the another word we don't particularly like-separation. Distance, in our minds, is what separates us, whether physically or emotionally. Have you ever felt separated? Take it a step further: have you ever felt isolated? Have you ever been faced with distance? We all have! Some of us have more than others. Yet, what we do with distance is what counts. The best way to deal with distance is to get rid of it. Sometimes we can take measures to drastically reduce distance. Other times, we might just be able to minimally reduce distance. The most important thing is that we do our best to make the distance bearable and that takes effort. Sara Evans' song "No Place That Far" describes the effort we should want to take to make the distance bearable.

"No Place That Far"

I can't imagine, any greater fear
Then waking up, without you here,
And though the sun, would still shine on,
My whole world, would all be gone,
But not for long,

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

It wouldn't matter why we're apart,
Lonely minds or two stubborn hearts
Nothing short of God above
Could turn me away from your love
I need you that much

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

Baby there's no place that far

We do very big things for people we love, no matter the distance. Perhaps we would climb a thousand walls or swim a hundred rivers. Love makes you do some pretty crazy things. When you really stop and think about it, love knows no distance. Love crosses boundaries. Love breaks down barriers. Love swims a hundred rivers just to climb a thousand walls.

The truth of the matter is this: Distance is nothing because with love there really is no place that far!!!

That, my friends is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

I've got just a few questions...

Life is full of questions. Small children often ask question after question every day. Adults do too, just maybe not aloud. The truth is, people have a hard time with uncertainty, and that is what questions are-things we aren't certain about. The questions that arise in our lives can be simple or they can be complex. One thing stands true to every question though and that is- each question in our life was put there for a reason for it is through questions that sometimes God's master plan for our life is revealed.

For years, I've often wondered why God seems to put good people through bad things. I've questioned how he could allow a pregnant woman to get stage 4 cancer. I've questioned how God can keep two people from being together more often. I've questioned how God can take people from our lives so suddenly.
Through all my questioning though, I sometimes seem to forget what my life would be like if it didn't have questions. Questions lead to answers and answers come in God's due time. A life with no questions is a life that is going nowhere. Our questions-our uncertainties in life are what keeps us motivated to move on. Our uncertainties and questions are what motivate us to fight for what we want.

Clay Walker has a song called "Just a Few Questions I Have". Here are the lyrics:

"A Few Questions"

"How in this world can we put a man on the moon
And still have a need for a place like St. Jude's
And why is one man born in a place where all they know is war
And a guy like me has always been free
And how can two people who've built a loving home
Try for years and never have a child of their own
And somewhere out there tonight there's a baby no one's holding tight
In need of love, to me that don't add up

But I wasn't there the day you filled up the oceans
I didnt' get to see you hang the stars in the sky
So I don't mean to second guess you or criticize what I don't understand
These are just a few questions I have

And why did my cousin have to die in that crash
A good kid only 17, I still wonder about that
It seems unfair to me some get the chance to chase their dreams
And some don't, but what do I know?

I wasn't there the day you filled up the oceans
I didnt' get to see you hang the stars in the sky
So I don't mean to second guess you or criticize what I don't understand
These are just a few questions I have

Why do I feel like you're hearing these prayers of mine
When so many outta be ahead of me in line
When you look down on me, can you see the good through all the bad
These are just a few questions I have"

Despite all the questions in our lives, God can see the good in the midst of the bad. We're going through the bad to appreciate the good. We're going through the questions so that we may appreciate the answers. God hears our prayers and he will lead us to the answers to the questions!

Tonight, let us ever realize that questions will always arise in life. Sometimes we will not understand why things happen the way they do. It's only natural to question things, but as we question things, let's not forget that our questions sometimes make us stronger. When you look back on the questions you once had, you will realize that the answers you now have might just be a big help to someone asking those very same questions one day. So, learn to appreciate the questions and share the answers. Uncertainty can lead to certainty. Are you learning to appreciate the questions? That's one question I have!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


We're seemingly bound to many things in this world. Perhaps, you seem bound by your job. Maybe you seem bound by school. Still yet, you may seem bound by obligations and responsibilities that come with adulthood. No matter the case, we all feel bound to something.

In a few weeks, I'll be departing for a vacation. The word "vacation" alone seems to connote freedom and loosening of the ties that bind us. People go on vacations to release themselves from being bound.Yet, on my vacation, I'm seeking to be bound. I want things to bind to me.

I want to bind myself to happy thoughts.

I want to bind myself to friendly fellowship with familiar and not so familiar faces.

I want to bind myself to enjoying the little things like small talk and catching up.

I want to bind myself to learning more about people and learning more about my relationships with people.

I want to bind myself to making an effort to make people laugh.

I want to bind myself to spending quiet time in thought and reflection with those that mean the most to me.

But above all,


I discovered a song by Cher Lloyd containing these lyrics:

"And I like it when you call me, I will always find you
When you need me out, I'll come for you
And when you're lonely, I will find a way to
Guide you home to me, I'll come for you, come for you
I will bind your love, bind your love to me, me
I will bind your love, bind your love to me, me"

Love is the greatest tie that will ever bind mankind. Being bound in love with another person drowns out  fear, loneliness, and uncertainty. Why? Because all of those things cannot break the bonds of love-nothing can!

So tonight, remember that it's not always bad to be bound to something-especially if your bound to love!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It's ok for things to be uncommon

The word "uncommon"- what does it mean to you? There's uncommon cars, uncommon houses, uncommon names, uncommon phrases. I guess anything can be uncommon. Anything can be different. Have you ever considered love to be uncommon?

In today's world, it seems that some, by their own admission or through their actions, have a set protocol for love. Yet, is love really something that can be standard. Can love be something that doesn't change from time to time? Can love be like that same old flavor of potato chips that you grab off the shelf each time? Can love be like that same old toothpaste you've been buying for years? These questions may sound silly, but think for a minute. The world tells us love is supposed to be dinner and a movie. The world tells us that love is supposed to be flowers and a card. The world tells us that love is supposed to be a fancy dinner reservation.

Yet, is that really what love is?

Look at this poem by Terah Cox. Dreams, storms conversations and mountains-that's what love is about. Love is so much more than what's on the surface. Love goes deeper than that. Sure, dinner and a movie is great. Sure flowers and a card are a good idea. Sure, dinner reservations are worth it sometimes. However, what really matters are feelings. Can you look at your partner's eyes and tell what their emotions are? Can you listen to your partner's voice and hear their thoughts? Do you know about the dreams each of you have for the future? Do you know the mountains each person faces; and do you climb that mountain with them. Do you weather life's storms with your partner and hold the umbrella for them to keep them dry while you brave the elements? Do you have an uncommon love?

You see, the things that I just described, even though they seem small, are not always found in the couples of today's world. These little things just seem to be uncommon in love lives all around us. It doesn't have to be that way, though. Perhaps you want to give uncommon love a shot. So, start today. Start your uncommon love experience now, this very moment. Stand out from the rest and share in the rapture that comes from uncommon love.

Cherish dreams (know what the other person wants and dreams about and share that dream)

Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones (make the best of bad situations -TOGETHER)

Weather the storms of life (Don't be afraid to get wet with the other person. After all, you can still kiss in the rain)

Be a lover and a friend (Have passion and compassion)

Have the love that only two can know.

Take uncommon love wherever you go!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Still crazy over you

"I'm still crazy over you!" How many couples can say that about each other after 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, or even 50 years? In my opinion, if you truly love someone, you'll continue to be "crazy over them" every day that passes. Perhaps you'll become crazier about them each day, each minute. So, how do two people become cray about each other? Maybe the answer can be found in this song:

Look at Us
Song by Vince Gill

Look at us
After all these years together
Look at us
After all that we've been through
Look at us
Still leaning on each other
If you want to see
How true love should be
Then just look at us

Look at you
Still pretty as a picture
Look at me
Still crazy over you
Look at us
Still believin' in forever
If you want to see
How true love should be
Then just look at us

In a hundred years from now
I know without a doubt
They'll all look back and wonder how
We made it all work out

Chances are
We'll go down in history
When they want to see
How true love should be
They'll just look at us

Look at us after all we've been through - There is no greater testament to the power of love as that which is evidenced in how a couple supports each other through all they've "been through." Life packs a mean punch sometimes, but with two people supporting each other, life is a whole lot easier. You see, you become crazier about someone when you know they'll always be with you no matter what. Are you there for someone? Do you know that you're...

Still leaning on each other- We all need someone to lean on- in the bad times, the sad times, and the glad times. A couple who is cray about each other knows how to lean. Are you leaning on someone?

Still pretty as a picture - Some people say that beauty fades with age or time, but I believe that a person can become more beautiful with age and time. If someone truly loves a person, they see beauty not as soft skin and radiant hair, but as a tender heart and a loving touch. Do you know someone who is still as pretty as a picture?

Still believin' in forever- Yes, forever relationships are still possible, but it takes time, effort, and faith. Do you still believe in forever.

I want people to see how true love should be when they look at us!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man.