Ponder - to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply
You see, chances are, if you are experiencing the absence of someone you love, you probably spend many minutes, hours, and days pondering. What do you ponder? For me I:
- Ponder about what I can do next when I am with that person - I have always been a person who tries to be a forward thinker. The minute absence kicks in, I start trying to think of things that can be done when the I am together with that person again. I do this for several reasons. First, I believe that what you think about often become reality. What reality could be any better than re-uniting with a person you love? Secondly, I try to think forward because everything in life can be improved upon. I want things to get better and better.
- Ponder about what life would be life without certain people - I try to avoid sobering thoughts sometimes. Yet, it is so important to ask yourself: "What would my life be like without __________?" If you can't imagine your life without that person, then you should be willing to eliminate the absence.
- Ponder the meaning of love - Absence makes the heart grow fonder. How does the heart grow fonder? The answer is simple. Hearts grow fonder when they're filled with love. So, what is the true meaning of love. The most simple and concise statement that can be used to clearly explain what love means is this: Love is a journey in which both people commit themselves to the good of each other every step of the way.
Though we may experience the absence of someone in a physical way, we must always remember that love remains despite physical absence and it is there every step of the journey. You never really are alone. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and ponder but should never make you wonder. I don't have to wonder. I know the love I have and my heart grows fonder for her every day.
That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man.
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