Friday, October 7, 2016

It's beautiful! You betcha!

"I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."- John Burroughs, American Conservationist

As I drove to work this morning, I did something that I always do - I looked at the sky. This may seem like a simple and meaningless gesture. Yet, for me, there is so much more to it than just a simple glance. Psalm 19:1 tells me, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." So many things in this life are glorious, so long as we take the time to see that glory. I look at the sky and know that glory abounds. There's a soothing and a healing to be found in skies of blue and clouds of white.

I've come to appreciate nature more and more the older I get. Yet, it's not so much the nature itself that contributes to my appreciation. It's the people who find that same feeling I do in the sky of blue and clouds of white.

If you have never had the chance to visit northern Minnesota, you should definitely go. Most any part of the Land of 10,000 lakes is easy on the eyes, but the best of views is in a canoe with a friend or two. It certainly helps if that canoe is laden with some fishing gear and people you hold near.Don't forget to look at the sky of blue and clouds of white.

Paddling is hard work, but it's not so bad if you happen to find yourself on Birch Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. I've been there and I'm a better person because of my trip. I caught a fish or two or three. I heard a story or two or three. I even got a little upset when my line tangled in the net. Luckily, the beauty of not only the land but a lady calmed me down. After all, I was under the sky of blue and clouds of white.

Yet, the most important thing that I took away from my journey on Birch Lake was this: We all live under the same sky. The sky stretches forever, much like a good friend and a great family are there forever. Sure, the people under the sky may talk differently, act differently, and think differently. Yet, we are all living under the same sky- a sky of blue and clouds of white.

It soothes my soul to know that I have people who care about me under the sky thousands of miles away. From Minnesota to Alabama, from North Carolina to Nepal there's people who live under the same sky that can look up and think about me - in the sky of blue and clouds of white.

It heals my soul to see the sight of two families becoming one -under the sky of blue and clouds of white. Life is full of divisive things, but you won't find a divide in the sky of blue and clouds of white.

No matter the distance, no matter the time, always look up to the sky and think of the people you love who live under the same sky of blue and clouds of white. Let new love for them take flight- into a sky of blue and clouds of white.

A sky of blue and clouds of white - it's beautiful! You betcha! That's right! A sky where love takes flight!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Most of all...

Sometimes in life, we really need a best friend. Friends may come. Friends may go. Yet a best friend will remain forever. In life, we sometimes think we have found our best friend. As time goes on, actions and words may reveal otherwise. So, the question remains, how do you know when you have found your best friend? I think some lyrics from a classic Don Williams song can tell us.

"You're My Best Friend"
by Don Williams

You placed gold on my finger
You brought love like I've never known
You gave life to our children
And to me a reason to go on.

You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend.

When I need hope and inspiration
You're always strong when I'm tired and weak
I could search This whole world over
You'll still be everything that I need.

You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend.

You're my bread when I'm hungry
You're my shelter from troubled winds
You're my anchor in life's ocean
But most of all you're my best friend...

A reason to go on - that is a best friend. You see, a best friend brings out the best in a person. Sometimes the things they help a person reveal about themselves may be something completely unknown to that person. Self worth is important and there are times in life when you can't always find your own self worth. That's where your best friend comes in and helps you to see the best in yourself and that is reason enough to go on.

Hunger - what is hunger? In America, we are fortunate enough to not have to deal with very much physical hunger. Yet, we hunger in other ways too. We hunger emotionally and spiritually. A best friend doesn't let a friend go emotionally hungry. They provide them "bread" for their emotions. This could be a word of encouragement, a listening ear, or an understanding heart.

Troubled winds - do you have troubled winds in your life? We all do! Life sometimes feels like one giant hurricane or an f-5 tornado. Where do we go when the "troubled winds" of life arise? We go to our best friend! Our best friend protects us and provides shelter from winds of persecution, winds of change, winds of doubt and winds of fear.

And...these few words get me every time: "You're my anchor in life's ocean." Stability is important to me. I guess that's why I sometimes make a big deal out of the future in terms of finances and careers. Stability is also important to me in terms of love. You see, a stable love is a love that's not dead. No love life will ever be perfect. However, it can remain stable and steady in those "troubled winds" We love someone through the "winds"  and the "waves" if we truly love them.  A best friend provides an anchor to keep our "ship" stable in "life's ocean." A best friend keeps us grounded for the future. If it weren't for our best friends, we may end up drifting through "life's ocean" with no hope for a safe arrival to the harbor.

But most of all, if you have a friend that fits all of the things I described then you have a best friend. I've found my best friend! I placed gold on her finger. Well, white gold with a touch of blue, that is!

That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!