Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Smell of Happiness

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."-Mark Twain

"Folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be."-Abraham Lincoln

"Whoever is happy will make others happy."- Anne Frank

"Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."-Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A man is not defined by what he has. What matters is the values he lives by and what he does for others." -Henri Landwirth

Tonight, I will use each of these quotes in my post.

Recently, I have, because of a pleasant but unexpected life event been reminded of something. About three years ago, I had the privilege of staying for one week at a very unique place in Florida. The place was designed to be a place for families of children with life threatening medical issues to stay at while they are on vacation in the Disney World area. However, this place is more than just a place for these kids and their families to stay. It is a place that few other places can rival in terms of happiness and giving.

For an entire week, my sister was able to enjoy her dream of going to Disney World for vacation, all expenses paid. Yes, this wonderful organization partners with volunteers and other organizations to provide, not only housing, but free meals and entertainment for the kids and families who stay there. However, that isn't all they provide. This organization, manned mostly by volunteers, gives out surprise gifts to the kids each day, along with available wake-up visits from the organization's mascot. There's so much more that they do, but it would take forever to explain. For now, I want to talk about the kids.

Many of the kids at this place are extremely happy. In fact, I'm not even sure the word "extremely" can describe it. However, these kids have every reason not to be happy. You see, for many of these kids, life is a struggle. They go from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital, and come home, often to go right back to the hospital. Yet, these kids often never seems to let those things bother them. The first quote I listed was: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."-Mark Twain Replace the word "dog" with "person" and you have a description of these kids. They might be young. They might be small, but these kids are fighters. They live life to their full potential in spite of adversity.

This brings me to the next quote:  "Folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be."-Abraham Lincoln This quote certainly applies to these kids. They have chosen to be happy, even in the darkest of situations. Some might say that choosing to be happy in a bad situation is easier for a child to do than an adult. I certainly disagree. Go through 2 surgeries in one week and then come back and tell me how easy it is to be happy. It's not! These kids choose to be happy and, in turn, make others happy just by being, well...happy!

Now, we're on to this next quote: "Whoever is happy will make others happy."- Anne Frank Like I said, these kids make others happy just by allowing them to see how happy they can be in such tough circumstances. I'm sure you know the story behind the person who said these words, but in case you don't, let me enlighten you. Anne Frank was a survivor of the Holocaust, mostly due to her efforts to conceal herself and others from the Nazis. In these circumstances, Frank had every reason not to be happy, but she realized that being happy made herself and others happy. Why can't we be the same way? The kids at this place are no different. They are happy and, in turn, make others happy.

Have you ever walked into a place where you could smell perfume everywhere? Often times it's only one person causing the smell. A lady at church, one of the happiest there, wears a lot of perfume. In fact, any contact with her will cause you to smell a little liker her too. Her happiness is the same way. Just being around her causes you to be happy. I'm sure she would tell you that her happiness, a lot of times, comes from making others happy. When we make other people, like these kids, happy we feel the effects ourselves. I call this the "smell of happiness."

Next, let's look at this quote from the founder of this wonderful organization I have been speaking of: "A man is not defined by what he has. What matters is the values he lives by and what he does for others." -Henri Landwirth 

Landwirth knows and lives his words all too well, especially after dealing with his own set of less-than-perfect circumstances. It is so important for us to live a life full of sound values and heart that desires to help others. Through the organization set up by Mr. Landwirth, one can truly "Give Kids the World" and learn more about helping others and being happy in the process. Happiness is one of the many tools that make this organization work. Happiness is also a product of this organization- a product that has touched many lives, my own included. Seeing those kids makes you realize that life isn't worth being sad and depressed all the time. Be happy it's a choice!------it's also one of the measures of a man! That, my friends, is just a few thoughts from a small town southern man!

Here's a little bit about Mr. Landwirth:  http://www.gktw.org/about/henri.php
Here's more about Give Kids the World: http://www.gktw.org/about/

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